B&G Denmark plaquettes with portrait of Danish Rulers. The Monarch collection

Item number: 518705

Bing & Grondahl porcelain. Bing & Grondahl plates.
Danish collectibles by Bing & Grondahl.
The Monarch Collection produced by Bing & Grondahl (B&G) in the 1980's.
Plates with portrait of Danish Rulers.
The certificate issued by B&G tells that the collection
is limited to 5,000 set.
We have in stock:
- Queen Margrethe I
- King Christien I
- King Christian II
- King Christian IV
- King Frederik VII
- King Christian IX
Ô 23cms(9.1")
Please contact us for present stock.
Item number: pl-Kongesamlingen fra B&G

Price: 195.- DKK per item
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