Reutemann Antik
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Text zugänglich auf Dänische:
Vase in tin med dekorationer fra HPH Ballin


main sub: 1 sub: 2 sub: 3
Text zugänglich auf Dänische:
Vase i tin med dekorationer på to sider. Fremstillet på Hans Peter Hertz værksted in 1916. HPH fortsatte Mogen Ballin's produktion i begyndelsen af 20. Århundrede. Fremstår i god stand. Fabriksmærket på bunden med HPH. H. 16 cm
Pris: 300,- DKK
Korb hinzufügen  Kontakt
The purchased product can be picked up at the storage in Marielystvej 1, 2000 Frederiksberg. (Copenhagen).
It can also be sent by mail. We ship to any country in the world. Buyer is paying for the shipping costs unless otherwise agreed. We will only charge for the actual shipping costs according to Post Danmark´s charges. There is no additional charge for packaging. If you want shipping with a particular freight company this can be arranged.
The shipment takes place within 48 hours after payment is received on the bank account.
PAYPAL payment to account name: or:

International bank transfer to: 
Danske Bank
Holmens Kanal 2
Iban number: DK6630004653292015
Swift number: DABADKKK

Reutemann Antik
v/ Jesper Reutemann
Marielystvej 1, Kld.
2000 Frederiksberg

Telefon: +45 31 17 26 56

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